The Future of Workforce: Understanding Generation Z

In this article you will find out what you need to focus on in your company to attract and not least retain the new generation in the labour market. Generation Z.

February 2023
min read
18-Understanding Generation Z
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Written by
Samuel Kirk-Haugstrup

Psykolog, specialiseret i pædagogisk psykologi og formidling.

Christine Victoria Siegrist

Content Developer, Psykologistuderende ved Aarhus Universitet.

Samuel Kirk-Haugstrup

Psychologist, specialized in educational psychology and communication.

Christine Victoria Siegrist

Content Developer, Psychology student at Aarhus University.

Say hello to Generation Z, the newest generation entering the workforce. Born between 1997 and 2014, they are a unique group of digital natives who think outside the box and prioritize their mental health.

Generation Z prioritizes their mental health

Generation Z is more open about mental health and stresses the importance of a work environment that prioritizes it. Growing up in a time of increased mental health awareness, <hl>they've seen the impact of stress, anxiety, and depression on previous generations and are more conscious of their own well-being<hl>. This is a significant shift from previous generations, such as Baby Boomers who valued stability and security, and Millennials who aimed for a work-life balance.

To attract and retain top talent from Generation Z, it's essential for companies to focus on stress prevention and mental health. Companies that are responsive to their concerns in this area will have a competitive advantage over others in the race for the best employees.

But how do you ensure your organization meets the expectations of Generation Z for stress prevention? <hl>The key is to take a proactive approach<hl> and stay ahead of the curve. By being aware of the latest trends and practices in this area, you'll gain the competitive edge that sets you apart from your competitors and attracts top talent from Generation Z.

Step 1:

Emphasize Work-Life Balance

Generation Z values work-life balance differently than previous generations. Instead of viewing long hours as a sign of dedication, they see work as one aspect of their overall lives and seek to balance it with other pursuits. As a company, it's important to understand this shift in priorities and prioritize work-life balance for your employees. To accommodate individual differences, it's best to allow employees to strike the balance they desire within the framework of your organization.

Step 2:

Offer Flexibility in Working Hours

This new generation values freedom and flexibility in their work and personal lives. They want to be able to adjust their working hours to fit their individual needs and maintain their mental health. This includes the ability to work from anywhere, take breaks as needed, and have control over their schedules. To attract and retain Generation Z, it's important for companies to respond to this desire for flexibility by creating a culture that prioritizes it. Consider starting a conversation with your employees about their needs for flexibility and adapt your policies accordingly.

Step 3: 

Address Stress Proactively

Generation Z places a strong emphasis on mental health, and as a company, you should too. To foster a workplace that prioritizes the well-being of your employees, it's important to:

  • Encourage open communication around mental health. Create a culture where employees feel comfortable speaking up about their well-being and concerns.
  • Be prepared to have difficult conversations with employees who are struggling with stress.
  • Offer resources and support to help employees manage their mental health.

How to Support Employees' Mental Health

There are several ways to support your employees' mental health. One approach is to encourage open and honest communication about mental health and stress. Create a safe space for employees to speak up if they're feeling overwhelmed and be prepared to have difficult conversations with them.

Additionally, you can provide access to digital self-care tools, such as Headspace, Calm, and BetterUp, to support employees in taking care of their mental health. There's also the OrbisLife app, which helps companies detect stress in their employees before it develops into stress. If this sounds interesting for your company, you can take advantage of OrbisCure's free stress assessment and report. It gives you concrete advice from a psychologist on what to do if you have excessive stress levels among your employees.

By focusing on mental health and stress prevention, you will have an edge over your competitors in the battle to attract the generation that will shape the workplace of the future.


Leslie, B., et al. (2021). Generation Z Perceptions of a Positive Workplace Environment. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. 33, 171-187:

Pendell, R., Helm, S. (2022). Generation Disconnected: Data on Gen Z in the Workplace. Gallup:

Postnord – Strålfors.(2020). Generationsskiftet, der udfordrer arbejdsmarkedet:

Identificer medarbejdere i risiko for stress med Orbis Insights™

Identify employees at risk of stress with Orbis Insights™

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