
What is OrbisCure based on?

Psychology and psychotherapy are the foundations of our app. These are the fields that OrbisCure and all the eLearning we create are built on. Below you will find the psychological and psychotherapeutic methods that help us prevent and reduce stress.


All content and all exercises are developed in collaboration with psychologists and doctors and are based on evolutionary psychology and the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy and its further development. In this way, OrbisCure follows the treatment guidelines of the scientific medical associations as well as well-regarded treatment concepts. All content is evidence-based.


Involving employees

We have performed hundreds of qualitative interviews with sufferers to stress, anxiety, and depression in order to understand what problems they face, in what situations they need help and what kind of help is the best support.


Gathering knowledge

In-depth interviews with leading physicians and psychologists on specific topics and issues that incorporate the principles of evolutionary psychology as well as cognitive behavioral therapy and its further development.



Inclusion of research-based literature conducted by internal psychologists, which ensures that the help follows the treatment guidelines for the scientific medical associations as well as well-evaluated treatment concepts. All content is evidence-based.


Learning method

The on-demand video courses and tools are created using a learning method recommended by experts from i.a. Harvard and Stanford University. The learning method ensures that complex knowledge is transformed into a language that everyone can understand, and is to be used directly in everyday life, so that it makes a real difference.

Workplace and private life

OrbisCure ensure that your employees get the right help regardless of whether the stress is caused by factors from the workplace or from private life.

Understanding illness

Employees learn why some people are more easily affected by stress, anxiety and / or depression, while others are not. This helps employees to understand that stress is natural and preventable.

Dealing with thoughts and feelings

Gives employees knowledge about human thoughts and feelings such as anxiety, worries, and guilt. Employee are given tools to deal with negative emotions, curb worries, manage their own expectations for work / lifebalance, and promote positive emotions.

Positive Psychology

Positive psychology centers on the basis of well-being and mental resilience. Our platform teaches employees how to develop and train the necessary skills needed to improve their well-being. This includes finding and enhancing positive emotions, relationships and health.


Employees receive tools on how to improve conversation when talking to their manager, colleagues, friends, and family including partner and children.

Help for family members

Employees have access to knowledge and exercises that support them in dealing with personal challenges, such as caring for a child with anxiety or ADHD.

Supporting a colleague

Employees learn how to support a colleague who is not feeling well and how to respond to a colleague on sick-leave or coming back after sick-leave.